Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Ebola and Vitamin C

Must read from Jim Stone, especially considering the video in the previous post. 

The following is from Jim: 

Ebola still following the 1.83 monthly expansion curve

I strongly believe this outbreak is intentional. I also believe it is in at least 100 countries but that it is not known about yet. It is only logical for this to be the case. This is because in early stages it is fully contageous and cannot be detected for weeks, until it suddenly explodes into a full blown and obvious case of ebola. This is just the way the agenda 21 planners would have it, such a disease would be impossible to stop, and the temperature checks at the airports are a joke. They mean nothing at all. They stop nothing at all. If Africa is not fully quarantined, the world is probably screwed (oh wait, it IS SCREWED because against this strain a total quarantine would have been needed MONTHS AGO.)

As a precaution, I am now taking one gram of vitamin C daily. This will put my body at accepted max pre ebola benefit (the point at which it starts dumping vitamin C.)

And WHY would I believe vitamin C is legitimate protection? Because the doctor who had his work end up in my mail box, work I could not cross check out to the web, so it was not from a blog somewhere, also said the other known cure - that blood from an ebola survivor cures ebola if received via transfusion. And the included MOA made perfect medical sense, I may not be a doctor but I can at least filter most disinfo and know legitimate medical lingo well enough to spot a scammer. There was nothing that indicated a scam in the doctor's message.

So once again I am going to put out the full medical advice, condensed down by me with my own knowledge added first, followed by the doctor's original message -

As a precaution, go out and buy a huge bottle of cheap and sour vitamin C, if it is sour you know it works (the sweet stuff is likely to be trash.) To save money do not bother with rose hip vitamin C if price is an issue, having a lot is the key. Take at least one gram daily, and up to four grams if you wish for as long as this ebola outbreak stays below a million deaths. Once it goes past that, start eating more because there is a statistically high probability you will get ebola. I would recommend bumping it to 12 grams a day if your supply has not fallen below 500 grams. If you actually get ebola, there will probably be no point in wasting your supply by taking more than 24 grams per day.
The doctor himself said that the dosings of 500 grams a day were extreme and probably would not be needed, but in a last ditch effort, MAYBE. But the only thing vitamin C does to help is to stop the scurvy symptoms from loss of vitamin C (which ebola depletes) and complete loss of vitamin C causes internal bleeding, which is how ebola kills. Since 24 grams is 23.5 grams beyond what your body could possibly normally need to avoid scurvy, it is probably a safe maximum. More would probably be a waste.
Vitamin C does not kill ebola, it simply stops the ebola inflicted scurvy and prevents the way ebola kills - internal bleeding - from ever happening. Absent this feature of ebola, it would be harmless and a normal immune system will knock it out. The vitamin C stalls the damage long enough to allow the immune system to respond.

And now my logical input, based on hard knowledge I already have:

Avoid garlic, hot peppers, ginseng and anything spicy because these items thin the blood, which will worsen an ebola outcome by increasing internal bleeding despite the fact that they help with many other illnesses.
Eat lots of broccoli and spinach, because those two foods assist clotting of blood and will reduce internal bleeding. Stay in bed to reduce stress related blood vessel ruptures, and drink a lot of pineapple juice or flat tasting not sweet noni juice because Noni is a strong anti viral substance, and if you have to go cheap, pineapple contains the same ingredient at 1/10th the concentration (so rather than drink 1 ounce of noni juice, just drink 10 ounces of pineapple juice, and the juice will work, pasteurization does not destroy the noni component. One quart of pineapple juice consumed over a day ought to give the full benefit.

Ultimately I cannot confirm 100 percent that I was not spoofed by this doctor, but it all washes with logic and what I already know, there is no profit to be made by any online scammer with this, and I am already taking vitamin C as a precaution and I suggest you at least start in earnest yourself now.

There's little less expensive than vitamin C. Take it!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Spanish Military Drops Ball Transporting Ebola Victims To Europe

It appears as if it's Ebola Time. 

As the video below proves, the Spanish military charged with transporting dead victims of the Ebola virus from Africa back home to Spain either:

1) Woefully and with supreme foolishness failed to take proper precautions against the spread of the virus both within the aircraft used and again once it was time to unload the cargo, or

2) Intentionally ignored protocols for the express purpose of allowing the virus to spread into Europe. 

Watch it and see what you think: 

The Center for Disease Control has this to say:
When cases of the disease (Ebola) do appear, there is increased risk of transmission within health care settings. Therefore, health care workers must be able to recognize a case of Ebola HF and be ready to employ practical viral hemorrhagic fever isolation precautions or barrier nursing techniques. They should also have the capability to request diagnostic tests or prepare samples for shipping and testing elsewhere.

wearing of protective clothing (such as masks, gloves, gowns, and goggles)Barrier nursing techniques include:

  • the use of infection-control measures (such as complete equipment sterilization and routine use of disinfectant)
  • isolation of Ebola HF patients from contact with unprotected persons.
The aim of all of these techniques is to avoid contact with the blood or secretions of an infected patient. If a patient with Ebola HF dies, it is equally important that direct contact with the body of the deceased patient be prevented.

Why do some believe this strain of Ebola is in fact a weaponized version? This Ebola outbreak does not follow the pattern set by every previous outbreak. "In the past, 'there's been a spike and then it drops off,' to zero, microbiologist Tom Geisbert says. But for some reason that has health officials mystified, this particular outbreak didn't follow the pattern.
It looked like it was going to, mind you, at least until late May." 
On May 18 the WHO stated this current outbreak could be over by May 22.  "But then the number of new cases again began to move higher, and in July spiked sharply upwards. By early July, WHO was already saying the outbreak was out of control.
"And it was Liberia that has had the most new cases, according to the latest WHO update. In the seven days ended Aug. 6, there were 339 new cases (confirmed, probable or suspect), 163 of them in Liberia. There have now been at least 1,779 cases and 961 deaths from Ebola in West Africa.
"On Thursday, Liberia declared a state of emergency to fight the virus. Fewer than 24 hours later, WHO declared the outbreak is a "public health emergency of international concern" at a press conference held in Geneva, Switzerland."
Microbiologist Tom Geisbert says: "This outbreak has been very different compared to any Ebola outbreak in the past, and so we don't really have much historical perspective."
Tom Geisbert
Tom Geisbert, a top expert on Ebola, says, 'This outbreak has been very different compared to any Ebola outbreak in the past.' (Univ. of Texas Medical Branch)
Geisbert, who researches Ebola at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, says that what sets this outbreak apart from previous ones, and makes it "incredibly hard to control" is that this time around, it has taken hold over a large geographical area and three countries.

Therapies and Vaccines
Further, until quite recently Ebola was considered to be untreatable. But suddenly there are a number of therapies and vaccines in the pharma pipeline: 

"Mapp Biopharmaceutical’s ZMapp experimental treatment is a combination or cocktail of three monoclonal antibodies that is designed to bind to the protein of the Ebola virus, neutralizing the virus so it can’t do any further damage.
ZMapp was given to two American health workers infected with Ebola in Liberia.
The last of the drug is on its way to Liberia for two stricken doctors, according to a U.K.-based public relations firm representing Liberia.
The drug resulted from a collaboration between Mapp Biopharmaceutical, LeafBio, Defyrus, the U.S. government and the Public Health Agency of Canada. It is grown in tobacco plants.
The CDC’s website says two other companies, B.C.-based Tekmira and Biocyst Pharmaceuticals, have received funding from the U.S. Department of Defence. Both companies also have therapeutic candidates for Ebola.
Tekmira’s experimental drug, TKM-Ebola, targets Ebola's genetic material. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration halted a small safety study with questions about a reaction in healthy volunteers, but last week Tekmira announced that the FDA had modified its restriction. The FDA change means the experimental drug, known as an RNA interference therapeutic, could potentially be used on people infected with Ebola, the company said.
One experimental Ebola vaccine was also partly developed at Canada’s National Microbiology Lab.Canada is in discussions with other countries and the World Health Organization about sending doses of the vaccine to West Africa, a spokesman for Health Canada says.
Another experimental vaccine developed at the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and licensed by GlaxoSmithKline is expected to begin first-stage safety studies sometime in the fall.
Another experimental vaccine from Johnson & Johnson's Crucell unit should enter phase 1 clinical trials in
late 2015 or early 2016. Profectus Biosciences is also  working with U.S. scientists on another preclinical vaccine."